Yolo County Library

I will read it!

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The famous architect Antoni Gaudi said: to do things well, first comes love, then technique.

First 5 knows that all parents love their children and want what’s best for their future. The first 5 years are critical for healthy development and for children to reach their full potential. This is why First 5 invests in programs and resources for families that cover the prenatal stage and up until a child’s first day of kindergarten.

Read. Talk. Sing. Is a communications campaign from First 5 California to foster a love of reading and enrich early language and learning at home. It elevates those everyday moments in which we communicate with love and build routines that strengthen our bond with our children.

We begin to develop our language before birth, and early language is the best predictor of kindergarten readiness. Did you know research shows that warm, reciprocal interactions strengthen our brain architecture and physical and emotional wellbeing across our lifespan?

Love always builds BIG.

So, keep doing what your parents, grandparents, brothers/sisters, aunts/uncles taught you. Read. Talk. Sing. But only until your little one says it’s their turn, or I will read it!

(Thank you to Melina Ortigas of First 5 Yolo who contributed this post.)

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Handouts | Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences (I-LABS)

F5 New Parent Kit. Available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese:

Kit for New Parents | First 5 California

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