Yolo Reads Resources
We understand that the COVID-19 situation has impacted your tutor sessions. Please feel free to contact Yolo Reads with any questions or concerns.
Visit California Library Literacy Services to learn more about literacy from the California State Library.
Are you a Yolo Reads tutor who wants to teach English or U.S. citizenship online? Please complete this form to start using USA Learns’ courses with your students. The courses are free for you and your students. Practice English speaking, listening, vocabulary, reading, writing, pronunciation, and grammar.
Looking for more resources for adult literacy tutoring? Here is a free, highly recommended tutor resource portal: Tutor Ready Reading and Writing. You will need to create an account. This information sheet gives you more information about the common questions volunteer tutors ask about how to best help their learners improve their skills in all aspects of reading and writing.
Here are some videos from the San Jose Public Library adult literacy program. They show tutor-learner pairs demonstrating evidence-based reading strategies.
Monthly Tutor Report: Volunteer Tutors are asked to complete a monthly tutor report by the 10th of each month.
Roles & Goals: The Roles Goals form is the tool we use to talk about goals. Tutors and Learners should use this form to track any goals set or met.
Certificate of Accomplishment for Yolo Reads participants (fillable PDF)
Yolo Reads Literacy Resource List: List of resources available through Yolo Reads, at the Yolo County Library, or online.
Roles & Goals Curriculum: Lesson plans are available for the most common learner goals. Plans include activities, games, reading practice, writing exercises, and vocabulary so tutors and learners have additional guidance in working to achieve goals.
California Library Literacy Services online training includes Creating a Safe Learning Environment, How to help Learners Improve Comprehension and Reasoning Skills, and Teaching Reading to Learners with Poor Phonological Skills.
Tutor-Learner First Meeting: a four-part video showing a typical first meeting between a new learner and tutor.
Literacy Works has a lot of resources worth checking out. As does Literacy for Life.
Unite for Literacy provides online books that include audio in multiple languages and ASL videos, celebrations of different cultures, and provides support for learners.
USA Learns is a free website to help people learn English online.